Problem with your PC? Then please go to the fault report form. Filling it in could make the job quicker, simpler and cheaper.

PC Repairs, Upgrades & Services

Tired of Being Put on Hold by PC World?

Dr Compustein provides a fast, friendly, affordable, local computer service for South Manchester.

I offer everything from a simple memory upgrade or the removal of malacious software (spyware, viruses & trojans) to setting-up networks or recovery from a complete system failure. As a locally based service, I can get you back computing as quickly and painlessly as possible.

If you currently have a problem with your PC, please fill out the fault report form and I'll be back in touch with you as quickly as possible.

In addition to repairs, servicing and upgrades I offer a complete PC healthcheck to keep your computer in tip-top condition. I can also custom-build computers that will ensure you get the system that is right for you at the price that is right for you.

I specialize in dealing with home and small office computer users and can guarantee an absolutely jargon-free service.

Depending upon your needs and the nature of the job, I can visit your home or premises, or do the job here in my workshop.

I'm always delighted to discuss whatever computer inquiries, needs or problems you may have, so please contact me.

If you're still not sure exactly what you need why not enjoy a game of the classic TETRIS while you make your mind up.

No nonsense help with your PC - that's the Dr Compustein promise.

Dr Compustein - Bringing PCs to life...

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