When you get the healthcheck done, why not, at the same time, take the opportunity to get all your data backed-up to CD or DVD for only an extra £5?

PC Healthcheck

Give your PC a Springclean & MOT!

Your PC is, along with your car, probably the most complicated machine you own and both need regular servicing to keep them working well, indeed working at all.

You may’ve noticed your PC has slowed down since you bought it, Windows takes longer to start and sometimes the bright shiny machine you bought a year ago works very sluggishly. You may also have noticed that it seems to have become increasingly “eccentric” as it’s got older.

A Dr Compustein PC Healthcheck can solve these problems. In addition I will make recommendations as to how better to make use of your computer and what upgrades might be a good idea. Some older machines that are just too slow for modern software can be given an extra lease of life quite cheaply – certainly far more cheaply than buying a whole new computer.

Included in the Healthcheck:

Start-up check for Windows & BIOS (the fundamental hardware settings of your computer).

A complete scan of your hard drives and the fixing of any bad sectors.

Hard drive defragmentation. Your hard drive gets increasingly disordered as you use your computer. This puts this right and improves the speed and efficiency of the drive.

Performance optimisation. This will include the ways your computer uses its memory and drives. Often these are not utilised to their full potential and this results in poor performance.

Registry cleaning. The registry is a large file that contains all the rules that tell individual programs and Windows how to talk to each other. As a computer is used, it can get very tangled which, at the least, can slow your computer and frequently causes some very odd problems.

Removal of viruses and other malicious software.

A full internal and external inspection then valet of your computer. I will tidy up the internal cabling and remove the dust from the computer to improve the airflow and therefore the cooling of your machine – A cool computer is more reliable and will last longer. Neater cabling can also prevent the nasty rattles and hums that a computer sometimes produces. Occasionally these can have very nasty consequences.

At the end of the process, I'll be happy to discuss any issues that the tests have raised and give you a printed report on your computer in technical jargon (useful if you deal with other IT professionals) with a full explanation in layman's terms.

The PC Healthcheck involves running programs on your computer that take a considerable amount of time to complete. While these programs are running there is nothing to do but wait, perhaps for well over an hour each. For this reason, it is preferable that it is done in my workshop. It enables me to do other things while I monitor your machine during these tests and it also means you aren't paying me to sit in your premises watching a status-bar creep very slowly to completion!

Healthcheck Prices



Healthcheck & Data Back-up


For bulk orders or for non-profit organisations prices are subject to negotiation. Please contact me for a quote.

Dr Compustein - Bringing PCs to life...

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